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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ryan--why no poll bounce?

Paul Ryan is popular with big crowds at all his appearences.  That being said there is no polling evidence that he has made Romney more popular.  Is Ryan a bad pick or are the polls biased?  I think Ryan is a good pick and I believe he has made Romney the favorite.  Right now I believe polls are biased and off.  I believe that the polls oversample Democrats and the often do not look at likely voters but at all possible voters.  We also see many MSM outlets who want the President reelected.  Since the Ryan pick I see all the energy with the Republicans and until I see some change I believe Romney is likely to win.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday and we can see already the Ryan effect

Paul Ryan has changed everything.  The President and VP are so worried they are back to wanting to talk about Mitt Romney's tax returns.  This to me shows the President is worried and he has a right to be.  I think the only good thing for President Obama this week was the amnesty reaction by Hispanics.  He will get a big hispanic vote.   Yet, young people and others are breaking toward Mitt Romney and if this continues Obama will lose.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ryan's Speech

This is a report about Paul Ryan's speech.  It is interesting because he is making a defense of Natural Law!

"In his talk, Ryan was all substance, avoiding cheap campaign shots yet repeatedly bringing the audience to their feet by making clear, powerful points about energy independence, the need to deregulate, fiscal soundness, the difference between a culture of self-reliance and one of dependence, and the doctrines of Natural Law and the Declaration of Independence. That’s right, he spoke about Natural Law and the origin of rights to a campaign crowd, and they got it. In fact, along with his discussion of energy independence, it was one of the two high points of the event. I can’t remember when I’ve seen a candidate address a mass audience at such a high level and pull it off. But he did."  Read it all

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Romney Ryan and the election

Paul Ryan has changed the electoral race as I see it.  Romney before Ryan was trying to make the election a referendum on Obama.  The MSM would not let that happen.  There has never been a politician more protected by the media than President Obama.  With the failed economic record of the President an election about his record would end in a record defeat.  So the MSM has done everthing they could to prevent the usual kind of reelection campaign.  Romney choose Ryan for many different reasons but the end result is that Romney understood that the MSM would never focus on the failed economic record of the President.  The Ryan choice makes it clear that we will have the debate about the economy because both the President and the MSM will want to attack the Ryan approach.  This will lead to a real debate on the economy but it will also mean many false attacks on the Republicans in places like Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa.  These three states have older populations and the Obama campaign will attach Romney any way they can in these states.  Romney needs Florida and Iowa so the Ryan pick is a little risky.   I believe Ryan is a smart, conservative politican but the Romney campaign will have to do a real good job with the seniors in order to counter the attacks.   The campaign has become more interesting.   I cannot wait for the debates.  Yet, the lies are going to by really coming hard and fast.  As I filled my gas tank this morning I wondered how anyone could vote for Obama with 3.50/gallon gas and that is when I realized how negative the election is going to get.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Romney versus Harry Reid

In my opinion, Harry Reid is the worst Majority Leader in the Senate in history.  He has not been able to get a budget through the Senate in more than 800 days.   He has his own private problems back in Nevada but is the union's guy.  He made an unsubstantiated attack on Romney and we are suppose to believe that some unnamed person knows about Romney’s taxes.  This smells of desperation and I think the Democrats are getting worried.   

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Best Cue in Tuscaloosa

The Pig Shack just won best barb-b-cue in Tuscaloosa.  I agree and just think what would happen if they actually do not have any place to sit inside!  Go and enjoy!