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Wednesday, January 6, 2021



Early Analysis

1.       It was incredibly close in both Senate seats, but the Democrats look like they will win both.  With Biden’s win in Georgia it is worth looking at how this happened and if Georgia is indeed now a Democratic dominated state.

2.       The Republicans did not come out in anywhere near their historic levels and so the Democrats won.  We have seen this before in Alabama when Doug Jones beat Roy Moore many Republicans in Alabama just didn’t vote.  When George Bush (41) lost his re-election bid after raising taxes many Republicans stayed home.  What we don’t know yet is why the Republicans in Georgia stayed home.

3.       Candidates matter.  Kelly Loeffler was appointed to fill out the term of Johnny Isakson when he resigned.  Loeffler had no political experience and turned out to be less than able to impress the Georgia voters.  David Perdue’s race was closer and may have had more to do with national trends than him as a candidate.

4.       Runoff elections are often distorted and this one had so much money it that it is hard to see how this can carryover to more general elections.

5.       I suspect a Trump was a large factor but how he effected turnout will have to be analyzed with more data.

6.       African-Americans turnout in large numbers and that mattered but not as much as the Republicans not voting.

7.       Georgia is now a competitive state between the parties but I would guess the Republicans will still win many of the races when Republican voters turnout.

Saturday, January 2, 2021


10 predictions about the Biden Presidency

1.       His administration will increase the number of abortions worldwide.

2.       He will try and put limits on religious institutions.

3.       He will get us into another war

4.       He will increase taxes

5.       Economic growth will hover around 2%

6.       He will have better relations with Europe.

7.       He will have better relations with China.

8.       He will mess up our relationship with the Arabs to try and fail to repair relations with Iran.

9.       He will fail to bridge our cultural divide.

10.   He will be a one term President (He will be 82 at the end of his first term.)