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Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 things about the election

11. There was the largest gender gap in history—Obama lost men by 8 % and won woman by 12%.
22.  The Republicans lost the Asian vote.
33  Romney got almost 3 million votes less than McCain.
44. 8 of the 10 wealthiest counties in America were carried by Obama.
55.   Are Florida and Ohio lost to Republicans?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Now what!

The election is over.  The status-quo is in place.  The American people have returned the same line up in the Congress and re-elected President Obama.  For people who were Republican supporters you should take heart that you won the House and now have 29 governors.  For people who are Democrats you now have the Presidency and the Senate.  The American people have voted for this system and expect it to work.

For me I am hugging my wife, praying to my God.  Working locally to make changes.  Finding things I can change and working to change them.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Romney Ryan for President

I will tell you like most conservatives that I was not a big Romney guy at the beginning.  What  I knew like most people on my side is that I would crawl across glass to vote against President Obama because of his big government, excess spending ways.  Yet, over time I have come to see Romney as a good man and a man for our times with the serious experience to deal with the budget and spending problems that we have.  I am not sure if Romney will win but I believe he will.  The main reason I believe he will win is that Romney has been able to gain support of every major group on the right in a way McCain never could.  The only group that might go their own way are the Libertarians but even they seem to be coming home to vote for Romney.  I know what the polls say but I think all the energy is with Romney.   Vote Tuesday, vote for change, vote for Romney-Ryan.