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Friday, August 3, 2012

Romney versus Harry Reid

In my opinion, Harry Reid is the worst Majority Leader in the Senate in history.  He has not been able to get a budget through the Senate in more than 800 days.   He has his own private problems back in Nevada but is the union's guy.  He made an unsubstantiated attack on Romney and we are suppose to believe that some unnamed person knows about Romney’s taxes.  This smells of desperation and I think the Democrats are getting worried.   

1 comment:

  1. One can compare Democrat responses to Reid's attack with Republican responses to Michelle Bachmann's raising questions about Houma Abeddin. While many--perhaps most--important Republicans have denounced Bachmann's letter, very few prominent Democrats (at least so far as I know) have denounced Reid. A good thing to remember next time the media talk about dirty tricks, the politics of personal destruction, or how polarized the parties are.
